Lush Plants

Lush Plants – You can buy plants online by simply clicking “Add” under the photos below and then proceed to the checkout when ready.

For a tropical feel in the garden, think about using these plants. These are lush plants with broad tropical leaves and inspiring flowers. The lush garden is a serene garden where you can relax and be one with nature.

Our Latest Catalogue is full of beautiful, interesting and rare plants, shrubs, trees, landscape suggestions, unique nursery ideas, general garden ideas, innovative garden design tips and thoughts for your plant nursery, the garden, indoor garden, rock garden, small garden ideas, flowering plants, herb garden and perennial plants. You will also find some interesting information and helpful tips and can follow Bob’s Blog for some great insights and thoughtful advice.

Note: There are many more plants available than are included in the Latest Catalogue.


HELICONIA HOT RIO NIGHTSHeliconia caribaea x H. bihai Hot Rio Nights

(3.5mAbcD) Heliconia caribaea x H. bihai ‘Hot Rio Nights’
Spectacular large twisting red bracts lined with silver flowering in spring. This one pictured is growing in our backyard grows in Nambour and will take a light frost. Huge leaves. These are very big rhizomes. Full sun to part shade. Sent as Rhizomes

…….Priced at $29 each





…Fantastic colour…Luxuriant plant…Heliconia Rostrata


(2mABCd) Heliconia Rostrata. Always one of the most beautiful of the Heliconias it is also one of the most cold tolerant growing and flowering in most Australian coastal frost free gardens. Long brilliant racemes of red and yellow will delight your senses. Luxuriant broad leaves. Clump forming. Full sun or shade.

….Priced at $16.90 each (200 Parries)



….Red & White Flowers in Winter….

RED CHRISTMASHeliconia angusta red christmas

(1mAbcD) Helicona angusta ‘Red Christmas’
This is a magnificent Heliconia which will amaze you with its striking bright red and white flowers during winter and spring! The flowers are long lasting and excellent for cut flowers. This is an attractive dwarf clumping variety good in a tub or in the garden. Keep this one in a warm, moist partly shaded position in well drained mix or soil. We expect these will do well in all warm coastal climates.

…..Priced at $15.90 each (270 Parries)



BLACK BAT PLANTTacca chantrieri, black bat plant, bat plant

(50cmAbcD) Tacca chantrieri produces the most unusual and striking flowers. The Black Bat Plant flower is black with long sinister tentacles hanging downwards. Its leaves are broad and about 40cm long. They are quite hardy once grown up but need to be nurtured over their first winter in cooler climates than tropical. Native of Tropical Thailand and Burma. Likes a real well drained potting mix with good moisture in the summer but keep `just moist in the winter. They do not like the cold frosty weather outside so you will need a warm spot, under shelter or inside. Keep it under medium. WA, SA & VIC country will be extra freight as these are very large plants in 140mm pots.

…….Priced at $29.00 each




(1.5mRfABCD) Alocasia gageana. This is a chic Elephant Ear with frilly light green leaves to about 50cm. Regarded as one of the prettiest leaves with heavy veins & textured foliage. A medium sized plant to about 1.5m. It has a thick 80mm stem. A golden 8cm flower in a spathe is lovely enough but the bright red ornamental fruit are something else. Native of Malaysia. Takes full sun if moist under or light to medium shade. Good in a pot or in the ground.

…..Priced at $12.90 (150 Parries) or 3 for $33



RED GINGER LILYHedychium coccineum

(1.5m *ABCD) Hedychium coccineum will give you incredible 300mm long sprays of red to salmon fragrant butterfly shaped flowers in Summer. Each spray will last for weeks. Lushe tropical foliage. These are a prolific grower and can be grown in cooler areas as long as the rhizome is not frozen. Cut your plant back to the ground after flowering and it will shoot and multiply for you from its underground rhizome. Native to tropical Asia. Part to full shade in well drained conditions.

…..Priced at $12.90 (250 Parries)





KAHILI GINGERHedychium gardnerianum

(2m*ABCD) Hedychium gardnerianum will give you huge attractive hanging fragrant yellow flowers with red markings. You can cut them off for flower arrangements. Long bright green leaves. This one is native to the Himalayas and will take a light frost and can be grown in temperate gardens right through to tropical. It shoots off a strong rhizome.

…..Priced at $9.90 each





DARWIN DAWN TORCH GINGEREtlingera elatior Jayzee

(1-4mEdaD) Etlingera elatior ‘Darwin Dawn’. This is a striking Torch Ginger. Great big dark pink to red flower heads will just amaze you with this lush looking compact growing wonder of nature. Banana like leaves and green stems. For areas north of Coffs Harbour NSW or WA equivalent. other areas you need an igloo or glasshouse. Edible flowers as a bud and also more mature in salads. Seed pods are edible also. These are sent as rhizomes which will strike readily in warm weather.

…..Priced at $18.90 each



Anthurium BiancoAnthurium Bianco

Medium size white flower
with a yellow spadix.
Dark green glossy foliage.
Cold tolerant to 7 degrees

…..Priced at $12.90 each



Anthurium Beauty Pink

Anthuriums Beauty Pink

Medium bright & dark
pink medium flowers
and yellow and green
spadix. Long flowering.
Dark green glossy

…..Priced at $12.90 each


Anthurium Red VictoryAnthurium Red Victory

Large remarkable red wavy
heart shaped flowers that
stands tall above the dark
green glossy foliage. Yellow
coloured spadix. Perfect to
brighten any room in the house.

…..Priced at $12.90 each



GREEN GODDESSZantedeschia 'Green Goddess'

(90cmABCD) Zantedeschia ‘Green Goddess’ is the beautiful green Calla Lily, strikingly marked with cream. Big stately flowers in late winter and spring. Big fleshy leaves that make you feel cool. Calla Lily likes plenty of moisture (even in water) and good light, even morning sun. Easy to grow and they are first class high priced cut flowers. Suited best to frostfree climates. Not WA

…..Priced at $7.90 (170 Parries) or 3 for $21.00






(70cmAbcD) Spathyphyllum specsies
Strappy leaves to 50cm. Pure white long lasting hooded flowers. Create the look of  the tropics in your backyard. Family Aracaea. For all warm coastal climates. Filtered light. Large plants 140mm pots.

…..Priced at $12.90




Cordylines will give your garden colour all year round and you will enjoy the colours that developes even more as these plants age. Shade to full sun. Here are three of the Best:

Cordyline Pink ChampionPINK CHAMPION

(2mAbcD) Cordyline fruticosa ‘Pink Champion’.
Brilliant rose & pink
shades & dark green



Cordyline TartanTARTAN

Lovely dark coloured
cordyline. Red and
dark brown leaves
with white outlines
on the edges.


cordyline wylies goldWylies Gold

Outstanding leaf
variation of red, pink
and gold yellow
coloured streaks
on the green leaves.


…..Priced at $7.90 (150 Parries) each or the Three for $21



CASCADE PALMChamaedorea atrovirens

(2mABcD) Chamaedorea atrovirens
This one is a robust and compact dwarf palm with dark dense glossy foliage. Branches just above ground level. Red fruit. It is a native of Mexico. Great in the garden and good indoors when kept near a window or other light source and not allowed to dry out between waterings. Sun or shade.

….Priced at $7.90 each (150 Parries)




CHINESE FAN PALMLivistona chinensis

Livistona chinensis is an extremely attractive cold tolerant Palm suited to a wide range of conditions including frost and cold. Big fan like light green leaves with weeping tips. Also good in a tub and grows well indoors while young. Full sun or shade. These plants 30cm tall in 70mm pots.

…..Priced at $7.90 (150 Parries) or 3 for $21




(35cmAbcD) A colourful foliage plant with long narrow leaves, marked with two tones of greens. They are medium stemmed. May die back in winter if subjected to a long cold period. Keep it drier at this time. Like warmth and humidity and make a nice house plant or in the garden in the sub-tropics and warmer. Filtered light.

….Priced at $8.90 each (170 Parries) or 3 for $25





…..Garden Colour All Year…..

CROTON ‘RED’Codiaeum variegatum red

(4cmx4cmAD) Codiaeum variegatum ‘Red’. This a foliage plant with red colour toning. Croton ‘Red’ has wavy curvy leaves about 4cm wide. Crotons are from the Pacific Islands and South-East Asia and need warmth. If down south bring it inside in winter near a sunny window. Provide nice contrast in the garden in warm areas. Full sun or shade.

…..Priced at  $8.90 each (120 Parries)




….Get that tropical look….

JAVA BLACK BAMBOOGigantochloa atroviolacea Java Black bamboo

(10mFmABCD) Gigantochloa atroviolacea
This is prettiest of the black bamboos!! Java Black is a great feature plant showing off its black culms with green stripes that hold their colour well. The internodes are white. The thickest culms of the black bamboos. The timber is thick walled and this species is good for construction work. Java is fairly tight clumping and upright and hardy. Will grow in most soil conditions. Get that tropical look!!  Full sun to part shade.

…..Priced at $69.00 each





BROAD CRESTED BIRDSNEST FERNAsplenium australisicum 'Broad Crested'

(1m**RfABCD) Asplenium australisicum ‘Broad Crested’ is an absolutely gorgeous cultivar with very unusual crested fronds. The crests at the frond ends are a full 30cm wide! Glossy bright green radiating fronds. Will grow in your garden or rockery and can be grown indoors in good light. Very hardy to most adverse conditions. Full to semi shade.

…..Priced at $12.90 (180 Parries) each



LACE FERNMicrolepia strigosa

(1mABCD) Microlepia strigosa
This is a vigorous taller variety with lime green new growth. Graceful fern with arching lacy fronds. Easily grown in a moist position in filtered light (takes morning sun) in warm temperate through to tropical areas. Ideal in a tub or in the ground. Sent in 100mm pots.

…..Priced at $12.90 each (180 Parries)