Product Description
Saintpaulia ‘African Violets’ hybrids. These are your latest named hybrids and not your common old garden type. There are thousands of varieties. Easy to grow inside on your window sill. We have plenty of left over African Violet Hybrids from several of our previous catalogues. They are…
African violet Ballet Snow Cone
African violet Bindi
African violet Candy Swirls
African violet Crystal Gazer
African violet Everdina
African violet Jays Flossie
African violet Le Don Corleone
African violet Little Pro
African violet Optimara Juliana
African violet Optimara Little Pearl
African violet Optimara Little Ruby
African violet Optimara Rose Quartz
African violet Rasberry Glitter
African violet Rob’s Loose Noodle
African violet Rob’s Pewter Bells
African violet Sky Azure
Moderate light to indoor light. Small plants in 50mm pots.
…..Priced at $11.90 each